
Diverticulitis Diet – 10 Worst Diverticulitis Foods

Diverticulitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. In the lining of the large intestine or colon, protruding pouches sometimes form in weak spots. These pouches are called diverticula and the condition is called diverticulosis. Having diverticulosis is quite common, especially for people over the age of forty. If existing diverticula, or bulging pouches, get inflamed or infected due to bacteria or blockages, the resulting condition is called diverticulitis. According to information on the National Institute of Health’s website(1), 10 to 25% of people who have diverticulosis will have bouts of diverticulitis. For people living with this condition, eating a healthy diverticulitis diet and knowing which foods to avoid, are the most effective defenses against painful flare-ups. Ironically, some of the best foods for preventing diverticulosis are the worst foods to consume when experiencing bouts of diverticulitis. Here’s a list of foods to avoid with diverticulitis:

1. Whole Grains

Eating whole grain products puts your intestines into overdrive because they are harder to digest than foods containing refined grains. Because your goal is to let your intestinal tract relax, you should cut out whole grain products during a diverticulitis flare up. Here’s a list of some of the whole grain foods to avoid; whole wheat or rye flour, brown rice, barley, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, wheat germ, bulgur, millet, amaranth and spelt.

whole grain rice