
Testicular Torsion – 8 Things You Should Know

If you have testicles, you’ve probably heard of testicular torsion. It’s one of those locker room myths, where a friend of a friend lost a testicle playing football. As it turns out, it’s not really that mythic, and it can happen to anyone. Despite the associated dangers, we have useful information to make this condition a little less scary. Even if your risk of developing testicular torsion is low, it’s helpful to know the signs, symptoms and treatment options. It’s especially useful if you or your friends are regularly active


1. What is Testicular Torsion?

Your abdomen supplies blood to your testicles via the spermatic cord. Blood flow is cut off when the cord gets twisted. This blockage causes immediate pain and swelling in the scrotum. That’s testicular torsion. The spermatic cord often gets twisted when the testicles are freely rotating in the scrotum. The condition is no laughing matter and should be treated immediately. You should see urgent medical care. Leaving testicular torsion untreated can cause significant problems.

Diagram of testicular torsion