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9 Common STD Symptoms in Men

9. Swollen Testicles

Infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis can spread bacteria through your bloodstream, which might result in painful, swollen testicles. Patients with swollen testicles caused by one of these infections might also notice that their scrotum turns red or purple, and there may be blood in the urine or semen.

This is not a comprehensive list of STD symptoms in men, but these are some of the most common male STD symptoms. While some STD infections are more serious than others, all STD infections should be taken seriously. Understanding common STD symptoms makes it easier to detect potentially serious conditions and prevent their transmission before they progress. Remember, STD symptoms in men can vary widely, so any sexual health concerns should always be reported to your doctor or you can look into other STD testing options.

swollen testicle