
Gonorrhea in Women

Sexually Transmitted Infections are incredibly common, especially in the United States and it is very important to be aware of their side effects and implications. According to the Health Line, one in two sexually active adults in the United States will develop an STI before they are twenty-five years old.

Because of their high prevalence, it is important to understand symptoms and statistics so that you can take the proper precautions and be on the lookout for signs that you may carry an STI. This will not only protect and preserve your personal health but will also help to stop the spreading of STI’s.

One of the most common and dangerous STI’s today is Gonorrhea in women. This STI is caused by the bacteria Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. It targets moist and warm areas of the human body. This can include the eyes, throat, vagina, anus, the urethra, and the female reproductive tract.

How do I get Gonorrhea?

This illness is contracted through unprotected sex. This can include any kind of sexual contact, not just vaginal penetration. You can limit your risk of exposure to this disease by using condoms and not participating in unprotected sex.