
10 Must Know Facts About Anal Herpes

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over 24 million Americans have genital herpes or HSV-II. This sexually transmitted infection spreads from one person to another through sexual contact. The CDC estimates one in six Americans have herpes and 776,000 more are diagnosed with the condition each year. One form of HSV-II that continues to spread is anal herpes. However, the general public does not know a lot about this condition and this has played a role in its continued spread. In an attempt to rend this veil of ignorance and protect public health, the following are 10 facts everyone should know about anal herpes.

1. What is Anal Herpes

Anal herpes is a part of the family of herpes viruses which cause infections. It is transmitted through sexual contact. The disease manifests as sores or blisters that erupt around the anus. Not all lesions around the anus are signs of the virus. Having syphilis, chancroid or donovanosis infections can also cause blisters or lesions.

A doctor can run a series of tests that will be able to determine if a person has anal herpes. These tests are relatively painless and can be done discretely in a doctor’s office.