
What Does Herpes Look Like?

What does herpes look like? If you are asking this question, you may have noticed something new on your private parts and wonder what it is. While searching Google for photos is understandable, take a few minutes to learn some basics about what herpes looks like. There is no substitute for a sure thing, consider getting an STD test or making a doctors appointment, the best course of action is to know for sure and get an STD test. Before you concern yourself with what does herpes look like, read the six facts below to learn more about it.

1. Herpes Is A Virus

Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. The condition presents itself as painful, shallow sores and blisters on the genital area in the photos of herpes you can find on the internet. Women diagnosed with genital herpes experience more miscarriages than women who do not have the virus. A woman is more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer if they have the virus. Babies can become infected with herpes after it has passed through the birth canal of a woman infected with the disease.

infected virus