
10 Important Signs of Herpes

Sexually transmitted infections can be very scary, especially if you have not had a lot of education on the topic. We are usually only taught a brief overview of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in schools and sometimes that is not enough information for us to really be able to watch out for a specific condition.

All STI’s have specific symptoms or signs that people can watch out for. Knowing some of the signs and symptoms of particular sexually transmitted infections can help keep you, your current partner(s), and your future partner(s) safe going forward. Below is a link to the CDC site which will give you an overview of herpes, an STI. I would encourage you to read over this page and explore some of the resources they give you as far as treatment options if you think you might already be dealing with symptoms of this particular STI.

CDC Overview of Herpes

In this article, we will be going a bit more in-depth on the signs and symptoms you can watch out for when it comes to herpes. For future reference, herpes can come in two different forms. There is the oral kind of herpes which is known as HSV1. The other form affects the genital region and is known as HSV2. We’ll be discussing both here.