
8 Home Remedies For Herpes

Herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, yet according to the CDC, it is having a slow but steady drop over time. Sadly, there is no way to get rid of a herpes outbreak completely. There are many ways for a person to manage a herpes outbreak to make the symptoms become more tolerable, or even non-existent with enough care. This article will list ten different methods to alleviate symptoms of herpes. If you follow these simple tips, you should have no problem managing even the worst of outbreaks.

1. Warm Compresses

Research done into the subject of home remedies for herpes shows that people with herpes may be able to manage symptoms by applying heat as soon as a sore is noticeable. If the sore has already popped up, this will still be useful as heat has been found to mitigate the pain and swelling. A simple way to create this solution is to fill a sock halfway with rice followed by microwaving it for around a minute. This may not help everyone, but it is one of the most common ways to help people with herpes.